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About Us

Our story originates from the relentless pursuit of flavours by our founder, Jay. He is an ardent foodie and an adventurous spirit who believes in the transformative power of taste. His penchant for exploring the diverse nuances in foods and drinks became the bedrock of our existence.

Sip Steeple stands on the pillars of Jay's passions - trying new things, learning, and sharing that knowledge. We're not just about drinking tea, but exploring its depth, understanding its history, and appreciating the values it stands for.

Our teas come from ethical, organic sources. We value quality and stand by our commitment to bringing you only the best. But what sets Sip Steeple apart is our approach to tea education and we don't stop at showing you how to brew the perfect cup. With Jay's passion for cooking and in sharing his knowledge, we bring you creative recipes featuring tea as the star ingredient. This way, we go beyond tea as a beverage and incorporate it into our daily lives, celebrating its versatility.

Sip Steeple is about broadening our view of what tea can be. We’re a community of tea lovers, brought together by our desire for quality, curiosity about the world of tea, and a love for sharing our knowledge with others. So grab a cup, and join us in this wonderful exploration of all things tea.

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